
I am a working mom... here me snore!

Written by Katie Mehnert | Sep 4, 2013 7:17:00 AM

Do you work?

My mom worked.  My grandmother worked.  I come from a family of women that have always worked.  I am not sure how my mom did it.  She's retired now but spent nearly 40 years working in medicine.  She pulled 16 hour days and call all of the time.  There were weekends, holidays and yes, even birthdays she had to work.

With three kids, all very close in age, I am just tired thinking about what that took.  Mom, you rock!

Let's be real though, the term "working mother" is redundant.  Working motherhood is exhausting...but like anything else in life, it's a marathon.

Five things I tell new working moms as they train for the longest race of their lives...

  • You can do this.  We live in times where we have loads of resources.  Use them. Don't be afraid to ask for help. My husband was amazing the first year Ally was born and I'm not sure where I'd be today without his help!  
  • Choose your bosses wisely.  Sadly there are still neanderthal managers who don't have kids, want kids, and don't get that you have them.  However... Flexible hours are not just a "women's issue" anymore.
  • Plan some "me time".  My investments?  Beauty treatments, fitness and retail therapy.  Take care of you.  No one else will.
  • Pace yourself and learn how to say no.  Life in the fast train is well, fast.  Control it.
  • And...sleep, whenever you can.