
Organized Bravery

Written by Katie Mehnert | Apr 6, 2012 3:07:00 AM

If you don't read Seth Godin, you should.  Today's post is just what the world needs....and frankly a few of my girlfriends (myself included) can learn from these wise words.
When have you been brave? bold? poked your box? started something?  redefined the status quo?

Women have more opportunity than our mothers, grandmothers and their descents.  We are intelligent collaborators with more to offer than we think.  We are mothers, wives, friends, sisters, colleagues...we have way more power than we give ourselves credit.

What are you waiting for?  You have plenty of opportunity.  You don't need permission.

Just gotta DO, my girlfriend!  BE BRAVE.  GO! The world needs your brillance...