
Space to think ...

Written by Katie Mehnert | Jul 10, 2010 2:27:00 AM

One of the things I love the most about running is it gives my brain a place to think.  There's nothing like the open road, my IPOD, Garmin and my sneakers.  Not that I'm getting heavier with the baby on the way I find it harder to go longer, but I still enjoy the solace of my feet hitting the pavement in sync with whatever's playing.  U2, Gaga are among my favs.

I guess you could call me a Type A overachiever.  I don't think sometimes.  I just get things done.  I've learned through running that it's important to take some "me" time to think.  I'll never forget how I thought marathoning would be boring. Then after my first long run I realized how much of a release my running is for me.  Yes, I know I talk about it incessantly...and even have a blog name linked to the sport.  But at the end of the day it's that slice of my life's pie that gives me balance.  And everyone needs something...

Where do you take space in your life to think?  Where's that special place?