
Lucky 7 - Recovering from Chicago

Written by Katie Mehnert | Oct 17, 2009 3:31:00 PM

It's been less than a week since Chicago and I ran 7 this morning. I aimed to do 10 but what the hell was I thinking? Recovery running is great because it's supposed to be easy. I pushed myself a little this morning but backed off since it's all about my next race. Here are the 7 things I thought about today on my 7-miler

1. Environment is key. It means the weather can give you that extra push or the people around you can help propel you forward or hold you back. So pay attention and plan!

2. Go at your goal SMART. Smart people get ahead faster in the end (no matter what).

3. Enjoy the little things along the way. This morning I took notice of the fall leaves. They made my experience worth getting up.

4. Keep your head up. Wow, you can breathe better when you stand up tall to face the world. Not to mention the confidence it brings!

5. Focus focus focus focus focus. Find a center and hold on to it -- it is YOURS. Be it your kids, work -- whatever. Find that focus and maintain it.

6. Have the next goal in mind. Someone mentioned Greece today on our run. Did you know the 1000th anniversary of the marathon is being held NEXT year in Athens in October? Yea, I'm thinking a year should too!

7. Impossible is nothing. Seek the stretch. Go outside your comfort zone. Push yourself to think differently, grow and evolve. The impossible BECOMES the possible and then you have to find the next impossible...

Have an awesome weekend...the 'environment' is ripe for it!